Art Market Report - July 2
A weekly report on the NFT Art Market, covering 1/1s, generative art, editions and other important news.
Christie’s “Cartography of the Soul”
Curated with 1OF1, Christie’s sale Cartography of the Soul, an on-chain digital art auction featuring a group of artworks donated by visionary artists to benefit MAPS, closed on June 27. Here are the top 5 selling artworks:
SELF-DISCOVERY by DeeKay was collected by WombatGod for 48.4 ETH.
A GUST OF WIND… by Mad Dog Jones was collected by PTM for 19.97 ETH.
IOU ONE EDITION OF 256 by Sam Spratt was collected by PTM for 19.52 ETH. According to Sam in a tweet:
…My next chapter is a game of sorts. An intricately designed but simple system that connects my 1/1s and their story, my community and Council: The Skulls of Luci, and now, a wider circle of Players. One component of this will be my very first editioned work of 256. The piece I donated to Christie’s x MAPS this year: “IOU one edition of 256” is quite literal, it is an IOU for the first edition of my first edition of 256. A ticket for things to come…
MOTHER TREE III (STUDY FOR PSYCHOGEOGRAPHY) by Dustin Yellin was collected by Cozomo de’ Medici for 17.2 ETH.
LONELY ISLAND by Laura El was collected by Bob Loukas for 8.79 ETH.
DEV EYE by LINECENSOR was collected for 11 ETH on SuperRare.
Synthetic Dialogue by Emily Xie was collected by fanftic for 10.5 ETH on SuperRare.
EMPTY SPACES by C4RDINAL, including 7 unique pieces, were sold out at 1 ETH each on NINFA.
Patrick Amadon announced 404, July 2023 Art Catalog, a monthly decentralized, chain and platform agnostic art exhibition hosted on joynxyz.
spAce World has become the 2nd FND World (after GM World) to reach 100 ETH in total sales.
Avant Arte announced in partnership with Cozomo de’ Medici, a curated program of artist collaborations, each with limited physical editions launching this year. The partnership marries leading digital artists from the Medici collection with Avant Arte’s expertise in print-making and editions, supporting them to explore new physical mediums. Artists include: Jake Fried, Monica Rizzolli, ACK, William Mapan, Ripcache, Dawnia Darkstone, Luis Ponce.
Avant Arte’s second print collaboration with Grant Yun, Fall (edition of 35) were sold out at the price of $5,571 each. Each print is paired with an NFT of the same artwork. Secondary sales of the NFTs have been in the $9500-$10000 range. Grant's 1/1 Park (a large-scale 1/1 print with corresponding NFT) has also been acquired by Assassin for 50 ETH.

Generative Art
fxhash announced fxhash 2.0, which will empower creators with the freedom to choose between Tezos & Ethereum, along with on-chain minting for both.
Sotheby's introduced Gen Art Program fueled by the innovative ArtBlocks Engine, kicking off with pioneering artist Vera Molnár. Sotheby's Gen Art program aims to bring to market some of the most talented and respected generative artists with exclusive new sales. The program will be highly curated and focused on spotlighting up to three artists a year to showcase long form Generative Art as a new medium that is taking a central place in the overall digital art movement.
another great report!